What is ¡UURica!?
This August, 23 high school youth and 8 adults from the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Corvallis, Oregon, will travel to Costa Rica for two weeks to volunteer with the Costa Rica Humanitarian Foundation. We will help create gardens, health clinics, and other community necessities for the poor people living in Costa Rica, many of whom are immigrants. We hope to share some of our culture, learn about Central American culture and socioeconimic realities, and work to build healthy relationships between the people of our two nations. Our Unitarian Universalist principles include: the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equity, and compassion in human relationships; and the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all. The UURica project will allow us to put those principles into practice.
If you would like to help sponsor this project financially, please contact Jacob at brevinin at gmail dot com. Thank you.
Hey Jacob!
Congrats on getting the first post up and running in the YRUUrica! project.
Suggestion: maybe you already thought of this detail_ it is possible to post email addresses as a live link.
I'm looking for someone from Costa Rica (or who has been to Costa Rica) to tutor spanish to my CHS daughter. She has an opportunity to go to HS there this summer. Any Ideas? Thank You- ANN
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