Welcome to the Corvallis YRUU Social Activism Project- We call it: ¡UUrica!
Welcome! This is your project blog where a whole lot of stuff about your activities in Costa Rica, is going to get written! Each entry will also serve to introduce this site as a central, interactive communication tool for each of you who are the UUFC-YRUU 2007 activism project's participants, as well as your sponsors, your families back home, the home fellowship community, your fellow UU activist peers across the country, & that of the UU community-at-large, if desired!
Blogging is so handy that it can now make leaving home a more communal and simultaneously, a more immediately shared experience.
Consider that even before leaving all participants can use this site as a fund raising tool! Besides talking with potential supporters, the entire group can back up all their earnest fund raising activities and face-to-face efforts, by providing supporters with the added access to the project blog. The blog becomes a tool right away that helps keep up people's interest of support since everyone can easily check out the depth of your typed in, linked in, and preliminary photographic research about the project, and its location that you have all made available in one place! Other possibilities might be to post a brief profile of your interests in participating, and what support from sponsorship will help you in achieving this goal. Each entry can also include a photo of you!Once the group is established at the project location, a sponsor for example, can download pictures providing an up-to-date journal of the progress of activities being accomplished at the end of each day. Written journal entries by whoever wants to comment, be that one of the refugees, any one of you on-site UU kids, and your on-site sponsors can also be added to the blog to accompany the daily log of photos.
In response, the "folks back home" can comment on any entry, providing themselves with an interactive experience in the project as it is unfolding, if they like.
Blogging means there is front row access for those who remain behind, while those who are "away in the field" can share their immediate sense of contact!
As always, the focus that the project-blog chiefly serves, is as that of everyone's living album of the project as it is taking place in the immediate environment, where our youth are engaging in good and supportive work on another continent!
This is how easy posting a comment is!
Just click on "comment" at the bottom of any post, then write away to your heart's content. It's that easy!
After writing, click the "preview" (blue) button if you like to edit your comments, or click "publish" (orange) to publish your comments to share with everyone who interacts with the blog! It's a conversation online with the YRUU activist project community! YEAH!!
Choosing an "identity" at the end of your post has several options, choosing "anonymous" for example, means one does not have to have a blogger account, and can then sign their own name at the end of their individual post. Of course we want to know who is sharing with us here online, so it preferable to have each post signed in one form or other.
UU Principles are not always easy to live up to on a day to day basis in our interactions with others. It is my sincere hope that these youth will be able to live up to our 7 principles each and every day with everyone they meet while in Costa Rica. How are they preparing to be mindful of that?
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