Friday, August 3, 2007

Reflections from >Gretchen

Hola a Todas -

The days are so full that one has little time to reflect. The trip was smooth and on time, despite other possibilities. I am certain our youth will be telling you their stories and I don´t want to repeat them, so here are few thoughts about the bigger picture:

After only one full day and half of another, it is clear that, as in New Orleans and Translvania, the best thing we do is shine a light of truth on the good work being done by the people there, offer our hands and hearts and treasure in support, and recognize their own groups, like the Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation. There are lives that are literally being saved, both of women and children, through this organization. Women are learning that cooperation and collaboration is powerful , even in the face of institutional neglect. Gail Nystrom´s vision of possibility for all the oppressed is inspiring.

The youth are rising to the challenges with care and gusto, using what Spanish they have, then surpassing that with their attention and good humor which is matched by those with whom we are working. It is quite moving to observe them growing day by day into far deeper understanding of the problems and the promise of people in a different culture. They are living the reality that what unites us as human beings is far more powerful than anything that divides us. They will be a blessing to the future of all of life.

Finally, I want to thank each and every one of you who offered your time, talent, and/or treasure to help this come to life. You are essential to this whole process. I hope you will all come to the worship service at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Corvfallis on Sunday, October 21, to see and hear these fine young people.

with affection and appreciation,
the Rev. Dr. Gretchen Woods

1 comment:

une femme artiste said...

Hello to the Costa Rican UU Group project from Corvallis!

I am writing to you from Portland, Or., to say that it is an incredible rush to find the blog has come to life!
Your entries are so fresh in the presence of your experiences that it is truly stirring to the imagination to "look in," not only to be able to read, also to be able to see how you are all doing! In this context, pictures do speak a thousand words, so never worry about having to write something_

The Corvallis UUrica group is already a success in my book. Thank-you for your posts and photos to date!

All the best for you each in your new experiences,

Kerrie W.